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New Published Study: Innovative Products Create Value for Shoulder Arthroplasty Patients
New Published Study: Innovative Products Create Value for Shoulder Arthroplasty Patients

Dr. Papandrea is a highly regarded upper extremity surgeon who has made a significant impact in the field of orthopedics. With over 15 years of experience working with Exactech, a leading orthopedic implant company, Dr. Papandrea has helped refine their shoulder implants, making them some of the most advanced and reliable on the market.

One of Dr. Papandrea's most notable contributions to the field of orthopedics is his involvement in the GPS shoulder navigation design team at Exactech. This team is responsible for developing state-of-the-art navigation systems that help improve the accuracy and precision of shoulder surgeries. These systems use cutting-edge technology to provide real-time, 3D guidance to surgeons during procedures, resulting in better outcomes for patients.

In addition to his work with Exactech, Dr. Papandrea is also part of the Exactech patient database, which is dedicated to following implant patients long term. This database allows Dr. Papandrea and his partner, Dr. Killian, to monitor patients' progress, gather important data, and make continuous improvements to patient care. The information gathered from the database is used to make refinements to existing implants and to develop new products that better meet the needs of patients.

Landmark study analyzed data from Exactech’s large Equinoxe® shoulder multi-center clinical database and studied outcomes using Exactech Active Intelligence® smart technologies

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (January 31, 2023) – Exactech, a developer and producer of innovative implants, instrumentation, and smart technologies for joint replacement surgery, announces publication of a landmark new clinical study1 which demonstrates the value creation associated with the rapid adoption of novel shoulder arthroplasty technologies.

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