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  • Vitals 349030Vitals

    Dr Papandrea and his staff spend the time and energy to explain a patients diagnosis and recommendation for treatment and or necessary procedure.After two complicated shoulder surgeries,I have regained my strength , range of motion and function.Great job!

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 349028Vitals

    I would recommend Dr. Papandrea to anyone who has an orthopedic problem within his purview. He was repaired a horrible elbow injury of one family member and repaired a shoulder injury of another. Both were 100% successful.

    Verified Patient

  • Vitals 349027Vitals

    I think being able to walk with out even the plastic splint, 5 1/2 weeks after having broken two bones in my ankle and having it surgically repaired says it all. Very little to no pain, from the very beginning. Couldn't have been more pleased.

    Verified Patient

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